Consumers expect their products to taste and look fresh throughout their entire shelf-life. Maintaining sensory appeal and safety of natural products requires a strong expertise in the field of natural preservatives. Working with Elensia™, you benefit from both a technical mastery in this field and a wide selection of some the most efficient natural preservatives.

Our natural ingredients protect fresh and processed product flavors from degradation overtime. We also offer solutions to protect natural colors from fading, keeping the original visual appeal of your products.

While we meet and surpass most natural preservation challenges, we also ensure our customers can maintain clean and clear labels on their products. Elensia line of natural preservatives makes shelf-life extension for food, beverage and other products simple, efficient and affordable.

Rosemary extracts

Rosemary leaves are naturally rich in antioxidant compounds. Produced from a selective extraction, our rosemary extracts are then formulated to offer optimal antioxidant activity in a wide range of food and beverage applications. You can rely on Elensia to provide you with the most efficient and label-friendly rosemary extracts.

Fats oxidation prevention

Fats are subject to rapid oxidation, leading to unpleasant rancid flavors and smells. Elensia has developed solutions to prevent fats from oxidation, using rosemary extracts specifically formulated based on our customer applications. 

Colors protection

Natural colors such as paprika and carotenes degrade rapidly. Rosemary antioxidant compounds protect coloring pigments in both oil and aqueous phases from degradation, enhancing foods and beverages appeal over time.
