Why are sustainable practices important?

Our well-being is essentially linked to the quality of our social, economic and natural environment. Pursuing a sustainable activity requires creating, implementing and maintaining the right conditions for humans and nature to harmoniously coexist now and for many generations.

At Elensia™ we believe that sustainability is based on three main pillars: Economic development, social development and environment protection.

Economic development

To be economically sustainable companies around the globe must use their resources in a sustainable and responsible way, and generate profit over time. Embracing social development and environmental protection allows businesses to positively impact their efficiencies and bottom line. Employee commitment, waste reduction and yield improvement are just a few examples of positive impacts. Elensia is committed to promote sustainable business practices and fasten economic development for its structure and its partners.

Sustainability and Economic Development
Sustainability and Social Development

Social development

Improving the conditions of life of people is a priority, in every part of the world. Through its initiatives and inclusive approach, Elensia is committed to social development internally as well as with its partners. Promoting education and building strong communities are important steps towards social development. Elensia aims at enhancing positive interactions between individuals and their communities to raise social standards globally.



Environment protection

Using our planet resources in a sustainable fashion is of the utmost importance for us all. Elensia is dedicated to protecting nature through sustainability programs with its partners. An environmentally sustainable activity is the prerequisite for a successful and sustainable business.

Sustainability and Environment Protection